Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011, Hello Chlamydia

Well, here I am again, another year has come and gone, and oh what a difference a year can make!!! For starters, when one who actively pursues a bucket list, like I do, a new year isn't that big of a deal. Yes, the beginning of a new year helps with documenting purposes, but it goes against what I've been working towards. For instance, I want to document my time by things I've done and experiences I've had, not by how I date my checks. So the idea of making grand gestures about a new & improved me is something I want to make throughout the entire year, not just today.

With that said... I've been more focused on what a difference a day can't make, and boy what a difference! Some of my close friends have recently heard me say, "I don't know why I feel this way, but I do". Well, let me take a moment to give my future self an important message: Listen. A few weeks ago I had a 'life-marking' experience in a church in Lyon, France, and told myself I want to live for more experiences like that. I'm thankful to say, that I feel that way now. I know I'm EXACTLY where I'm suppose to be, feeling EXACTLY the emotions and love I'm suppose to feel. My life is great, my family are great and my friends are great. I guess I'm a lucky man.

Now for the contradictory part: I will be preparing a 2012 bucket list. Ideally, I'd like to say my post -skydiving bucket list, or after streaking goals, but then my bucket list would just turn into my life... But I guess that's kind of the point?? The gift that keeps giving, with no sense of time... Maybe documenting isn't so important... Clear as mud? Great!

Finally, enjoy the video of the two sexiest people alive.

Garrett Paul

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