Monday, November 28, 2011

Free Life

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

Lately, I've been feeling like I'm strapped into the sling shot and I'm in the process of being pulled back. I don't know how long I'll be pulled back, or as I want to refer to it as preparing.

I feel like I've been preparing for something my entire life, but I'm not sure of what it is. I've learned that it is important to appreciate the lessons life produces and one way I remind myself, is by getting tattoos. I got this tattoo earlier this week. Each line is a word in morse code; the bottom two are the new editions. They mean 'free life'.

I'm so proud of this tattoo, because I never envisioned myself of having a free life. I thought I'd only display certain versions of myself to certain people, for the entirety of my existence. I don't like to think I lived a lie, I like to think I artfully danced around a lot of subjects, which is also ironic, because that just sounds gay. Regardless of how I acted in the past, I'm only focused on my future, which at the moment is very uncertain. I'm on the cusp of something. Something big. I don't know what it is yet, but I've learned if you take the chance to open yourself up to life, it has a beautiful way of paying off. I'm prepared to learn lessons, get hurt, and reap every single benefit.

Bottoms up (that's funny for two reasons),

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